About Us

DevPro is a registered company, limited by guarantee, in Sri Lanka. Formed in 2021 (Reg. No. GL249365) with Oxfam Australia’s support, it is governed by a Board of Directors. DevPro intends to apply its profits, if any, in promoting its objectives, and prohibit the payment of any dividend to its members.

DevPro was formed in response to changing dynamics and manifestations of poverty, the recognized need for advanced development programming, and changes of development aid revenue streams. It built on 30 years of legacy of Oxfam in Sri Lanka (OiSL) with a commitment to be guided by the same values and strive for the quality that has earned lasting recognition and appreciation for OiSL.

DevPro aims to become a leading development consultancy firm in Asia by 2030.

Our Vision

A just world where development is in service of equality.

Our Mission

To be an actor recognized for leadership and innovation in Inclusive Economic Development (IED).

Our Purpose

To work towards IED system change in the fields of Agriculture, Climate Resilience, Skills and Development Education, Water and Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH), Handicraft and Tourism. We embed gender justice in all we do: our vision, our strategy, and our approaches.

Our Team

Board of Directors (BoD)

Bojan Kolundzija

Bojan Kolundzija

Contry Director Oxfam Lebanon

Shanika Pigera

Shanika Pigera

HR Development manager Save the Children in Sri Lanka

Dieneke Van De Waijik

Dieneke Van De Waijik

Managing Director SIMAVI

Gnanaganeshan Challappah

Gnanaganeshan Challappah


Logaramanan Thhilainadarasa

Logaramanan Thhilainadarasa


Central Management

Tilak Karunaratne

Tilak Karunaratne

Executive Derector

Mohomed Shafeer

Mohomed Shafeer

Program Manager

Appaiah Vajeekaran

Appaiah Vajeekaran

Senior Finance & Admin Coordinator

Senthees Thayananthamoorthy

Senthees Thayananthamoorthy

Program Support Manager

Regional Management

Dr.Kulayanayagam KuleswaraKumar

Dr.Kulayanayagam KuleswaraKumar

Agriculture Production Specialist - Dairy

Rasiah Sivaskaran

Rasiah Sivaskaran

Regional Project Coordinator - East

Kelum Wadumesthrige

Kelum Wadumesthrige

Regional Project Coordinator - Sabaragamuwa

Aravinthan Santhiradas

Aravinthan Santhiradas

Project Officer